S&P Capital IQ Adds Powerful Credit Solutions Tool To Its Online Research, Data and News Platform
Robust Suite of Credit Risk Assessment Tools Expands S&P Capital IQ's Full Offering of Multi-Asset Class Data and Analytics
PR Newswire

NEW YORK, April 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- S&P Capital IQ, a leading provider of multi-asset class research, data and analytics, today announced the launch of a new suite of credit solutions designed to help assess both rated and unrated public and private companies globally with both "point-in-time" and "through-the-cycle" assessments.  Beginning on April 29, this solution will offer a wide range of capabilities to support comprehensive peer analytics, portfolio reviews and counterparty credit assessments as well as assist a wide variety of research, evaluation and management tasks.

S&P Capital IQ's credit solutions have been developed to enhance supply-chain management, provide access to loan origination and transfer pricing data and, through additional credit solutions and other rich content and functionality on the platform, help users evaluate, monitor and mitigate potential credit risks. S&P Capital IQ will continue to add new credit features and workflow solutions to its platform throughout 2013, including a large suite of models built to enable peer comparison, credit scoring and probability of default analysis.

"Our credit solutions suite has been designed to help clients work smarter by giving them a tool that can evaluate potential risks with suppliers, partners, customers, funding institutions, borrowers and investments," said Viraj Patel, Associate Director at S&P Capital IQ. "Combining credit solutions with information on the S&P CIQ Platform also provides access to additional data and functionality to help clients stay on top of important developments," added Silvina Aldeco-Martinez, Managing Director, S&P Capital IQ. "This includes detailed fundamental data on public and private companies, Standard & Poor's credit ratings, insight on the credit default swap market, equity prices, advanced screening and charting capabilities and more."

A key component of credit solutions is the Credit Health Panel, which provides a quick and transparent way to analyze the credit quality of an entity relative to its peers. Using fundamental financial metrics, pre-calculated credit risk measures are available for over 33,000 rated and unrated corporate entities, tracking relative credit health in terms of operational, solvency and liquidity strength. Users can create and track custom groups of listed companies on a worldwide basis. An advanced search process screens by geography, sector, proprietary S&P CIQ credit scores and Standard & Poor's credit rating, in addition to twenty-four financial metrics.

Credit solutions on the S&P Capital IQ Platform includes: 

  • Market Signals Probability of Default (PD):  measures daily early-warning signals of credit deterioration for effective risk monitoring.
  • CreditModel Scores: quantitatively-derived credit scores to measure and benchmark credit risk, and determine risk based pricing, limit setting and other credit sensitive strategic decisions. 
  • Customizable analysis templates, including the credit surveillance template: utilizes an Excel plug-in to bring together company fundamental data and credit indicators from the desktop platform into a single Excel interface.

About S&P Capital IQ
S&P Capital IQ, a business line of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP), is a leading provider of multi-asset class and real time data, research and analytics to institutional investors, investment and commercial banks, investment advisors and wealth managers, corporations and universities around the world. We provide a broad suite of capabilities designed to help track performance, generate alpha, and identify new trading and investment ideas, and perform risk analysis and mitigation strategies. Through leading desktop solutions such as the S&P Capital IQ, Global Credit Portal and MarketScope Advisor desktops; enterprise solutions such as S&P Capital IQ Valuations, and Compustat; and research offerings, including Leveraged Commentary & Data, Global Markets Intelligence, and company and funds research, S&P Capital IQ sharpens financial intelligence into the wisdom today's investors need. For more information visit: www.spcapitaliq.com.

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