S&P Capital IQ to Share Its Views on the Biotech Bull Market During the Next "ETF Analyst Hour"
Steve Silver and Todd Rosenbluth of S&P Capital IQ will discuss the factors behind the recent run-up in biotech equities, how long it might last, and the pros and cons of biotech ETFs
PR Newswire

NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Biotechnology has been one of the strongest performing industries through the first three quarters of 2013, returning 58.3% versus 18.6% for the S&P 500™ index as of September 30, 2013. On Wednesday, October 23rd at 11am EDT, S&P Capital IQ will host a webinar to discuss the factors that have been driving the biotech bull market and whether it's set to continue its run in the months to come.

This webinar, part of the S&P Capital IQ "ETF Analyst Hour" series, will be titled "Biotech Bull Market: How Long Can It Last?" and will feature Steve Silver, Senior Industry Analyst at S&P Capital IQ, providing an overview of the biotech industry, including the factors that have been contributing to its strong recent performance. Silver will be joined by Todd Rosenbluth, S&P Capital IQ's Director of ETF and Mutual Fund Research, who will share his insights on the pros and cons of biotech-specific ETFs and how much exposure to biotech investors may be able to obtain through more diversified ETFs.

This webinar is the latest in S&P Capital IQ's monthly ETF Analyst Hour series and one hour of CFP continuing education credit is available to attendees. Interested attendees can register here: http://bit.ly/18WZTfc  

Anthony Hohmann, ETF product manager, will moderate the discussion and highlight S&P Capital IQ's ETF holdings-based ranking methodology and model performance to date.

Following the presentation, the ETF research reports for the ETFs discussed will be available to all attendees. The ETF reports are initially published on S&P Capital IQ's MarketScope Advisor platform.

Follow @spmarketscope and #ETFHour during the webinar for up-to-the-second ETF commentary from S&P Capital IQ equity analysts.

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